Hosting exceptional community events doesn’t happen by accident. Great events must be thoughtfully crafted, taking into consideration even the smallest of details. After the event has taken place, it’s equally important to be able to measure the impact and success of the event. These steps are critical to running a successful event and building a thriving community.
Join Tiffany Oda from Talkbase, an expert in measuring and gathering meaningful insights from your community events and activities, and Kyle Sutton from Gradual, an experienced community leader and events organizer, as they dive into how great events are crafted and measured.
We’ll explore:
- How community and events work together to build relevance and drive value for members and your community goals
- Best practices for crafting exceptional event experiences virtually or in-person
- Importance of reporting and analyzing event performance to tie your events back to your business or community goals and improve your future activities
Plus it will be a great opportunity to meet and connect with other community managers, event planners, and marketers.