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Product Feature Release
May 1, 2024

2024 April Product Feature Release

2024 April Product Feature Release
# About Gradual
# New Features
# Product Update
# Forum

All the product features released in April of 2024

Laura Curzi
Laura Curzi
2024 April Product Feature Release

Featured Features

Forum Boards

Forum boards elevate and organize the Forum by grouping posts by topic, timeframe, member type, etc. Boards encourage engagement in relevant interest areas and provide a solution for easier navigation. Plus, boards can be restricted to only be visible to certain groups of members with Spaces.

Learn more about Forum Boards and how to create them, utilize space-restricted boards, and how members post to boards here

Not using forum? Ask us to enable forum for your community to begin exploring this feature!

Hybrid Event Type

Hybrid events can now be created and hosted on Gradual! This new event type combines the features and functionality of virtual and in-person events into one. Provide streaming and virtual engagement access to those attending virtually and the physical address and check-in solutions for those attending the event in person. Agenda sessions, ticket types, and registration forms can all be controlled by their attendance mode to curate the event experience for those logging in from home or joining you on site. 

Learn more about building and hosting hybrid events here

Other Features

Tools or Sponsor booth feature description & summary

You can now write and display a summary or description of each sponsor or tool booth feature on the card within the booth. This provides more information on each of the features - like what is provided in a PDF download, a quick summary of a video, etc. 

Learn more about community-level tool booths here, and event sponsor booths here

Updates to community & event links

Default Event URL slug

An updated event URL slug is now created by default in the platform - using the event’s title and a unique identifier. This default URL slug is great because it won’t be affected by changes to your event title, and will dynamically change if the title changes at any point. If you need to customize the event’s URL, admins can still make the change in the dashboard. 

Community Link 

A link to your community has been added to the header in your dashboard. Easily access the link no matter what page you’re on in the dashboard. 

Learn more about these links and where to find them for your community and events here

Other Forum updates

Reaction mode - Likes vs. Votes

The reaction mode for Forum posts can be changed to ‘likes’ or thumbs up 👍 versus up/down voting in your community. The platform uses these reactions from members to populate the most popular Forum posts in your community and provide accurate metrics in your dashboard. 

Links in comments now hyperlink

The platform automatically detects URLs and links in Forum comments and will now hyperlink them to the external pagen in a new tab. 

Learn more about Forum engagement here

Not using forum? Ask us to enable forum for your community to begin exploring this feature!


We have introduced a new webhook that will trigger any time a new event is published. The ‘New Event Published’ Webhook triggers the first time a new event is published in Gradual. This allows you to build automations for notifications or sharing new events externally.

An update to our Segment Integration: Custom Event Registration Question Answers are now included in the data available to integrate into Segment

Help Docs & Resources

Find all the documentation and resources on these new features and updates from April 2024 in our support center

We’ve also updated our support workflow as we expand our efforts. If you have questions for our team, please contact [email protected] to ensure everyone sees it, and the right person can jump in to help answer your question or inquiry.

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