Gradual Community
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Gradual Explained
July 12, 2023 · Last updated on September 15, 2023

Gradual Explained: Member Types & Member Management

Gradual Explained: Member Types & Member Management
# About Gradual

Learn about the types of members and access levels you can create to customize your community members' experiences.

Gradual Explained: Member Types & Member Management

At a high level, there are two kinds of members in your community, the activated 'Approved' members, and the pending 'Unapproved' members.

Approved members of your community have access to log in, engage with other members, register for events, and consume content. They are your active members and would constitute the vast majority of your community.

Unapproved members of your community are in pending status and can't log in to register for events, engage with other members or see anything that is marked for members-only. Members can be marked unapproved by administrators and the effect is instant; unapproved members will be immediately logged out and unable to log back in.


There are three levels of member type that control access and engagement in the community.

Standard members can engage in all features and can see, and be seen by others. If their profile is complete, these members can message others, engage in the chat, and participate in roundtables, matching, and other interactive experiences on the platform

Members marked Guest can engage in all features but they will not be visible (their profile) to others, however, they are able to engage with others on the platform if they choose. If a guest user posts in the chat, they will be visible to others on the platform.

Members marked Limited Approval can join the community, view content, and attend livestream and in-person events, but cannot see or interact with anyone else on the platform. They don’t see People, Channels, Messages, Match, Roundtables or any other interactive platform features and cannot register or attend group video call events.

Click here to learn more about the different levels of access and member types.

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Table Of Contents
  • Click here to learn more about the different levels of access and member types.
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