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Product Feature Release
January 29, 2024 · Last updated on March 13, 2024

2024 January: Product Feature Releases

2024 January: Product Feature Releases
# About Gradual
# New Features
# Product Update

All the product features released in January of 2024

Laura Curzi
Laura Curzi
2024 January: Product Feature Releases

Featured Features:

Contributor Profiles & Badges

Recognize the contributions your members have made to the community through contributor profiles & badges. Currently, the platform can automatically acknowledge and visually recognize those who host meetings, speak at virtual events, author content, and organize events.

Learn more about the badges available and how to customize them here

Self-service Member Imports & Updates

Dashboard admins can now self-service bulk import members to the community and attendees or invitees to events. You can also update member types, space assignments, ticket types, and more through bulk updates as well. 

Learn more about how to bulk import & update members and attendees here

Other Features:

Member Profile Redesign

The member profiles have been slightly redesigned and reformatted and now allow users to open profile pages in a new tab to see the full profile. This allows you to link directly to user profiles more easily and showcase members.

Agenda Sessions Format Customization

Customize the format listed for agenda sessions when adding to the agenda, or edit current sessions to fit your event’s style, brand, and organization’s verbiage. 

Learn more about agenda session formats here

Featured Attendees

Customize the order your attendees appear on the event detail & virtual ticket pages by featuring certain attendees and reordering as you see fit. 

Learn more about how to feature attendees here.

Speaker & Author Profiles

A speaker’s or author’s profile can now be linked to their member profile by email address. This unifies the data and ensures that all events they’ve spoken at, or content they’ve authored can be featured on their profile (if contributor badging is enabled). 

Learn more about speakers here

Editable Forum Posts

If a Forum post or comment has not received any reactions or comments, it can be edited by the original poster. Or, admins can enable posters to edit their work and comments even after it's received comments and reactions.

Banning Disruptive Attendees & Bulk Deleting Chats

If you encounter a disruptive attendee in your livestream or meeting event, you can now bulk delete any messages from them and even restrict them from posting in the chat by banning them from that channel. These actions can be taken by admins from the dashboard or by Chat Moderators on the front end in events and in community-level Channels. 

Learn more about banning and bulk deleting in channels here

Meeting Room updates

You can now enable an optional sound when attendees enter the meeting room to alert you and others when new folks are joining the conversation. 

Batch Email Notification Settings

Members can change how frequently they receive batch email notifications when they have unread direct messages in the platform.

Learn more about how to change preferences here

Event Channels

You can add and manage discussion channels within Livestream events that are open to all attendees, or just to selected attendees.

Learn more about event channels here

Help Docs & Resources

Find all the documentation and resources on these new features and updates from January 2024 in our support center.

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