2025 January Product Feature Release

All the product features released in January of 2025.

Featured Features
Profile Badges
Highlight your members' special roles, honors, and accomplishments with a small sticker image on their profile avatar throughout the community! This is a great way to showcase your ambassadors, customers, or admins and is available in all Gradual communities. Learn more about this feature here.

Salesforce Integration
Gradual now has a native Salesforce integration. The new integration allows you to map key user profile information as well as member activity into either standard or custom Salesforce objects. Event creation and participation link to Salesforce campaigns and other activities like joining a club or interacting with different parts of the community can map to a custom “Gradual Activity” object. Learn more about this integration and how to set it up here.
Forum Updates
Pin more than one post
Forum moderators can now pin up to five posts to the forum, and also to each board. Learn more about how to pin posts in the Forum here.
Add up to 50 forum boards
You can now have up to 50 forum boards in your community to discuss up to 50 different topics or prompts. Learn more about forum boards here.
Webhook: New Forum Post
We’ve added a new outbound webhook for any time a new forum post is created. This webhook will trigger anytime a user or moderator creates a new post in the forum. The webhook payload includes the poster, board, and any tags applied. This is a great tool to be able to automate notifications for product feedback posts or other topics. Learn more about the new webhook in our technical documentation.
Other Features
Contribution & Rewards Updates
Contributions - Space-restricted rewards
Now you can offer and display certain rewards to only those in space(s). If you have a VIP reward or an item that’s only applicable to a certain group, limit it to the appropriate space and only those members can see and redeem it in the rewards center. Learn more about spaces here, and rewards configurations here.
Hide contribution list from profiles
You can now opt to show only badges earned by members at the top of their profiles and hide the contributions list of events, videos, blogs, etc. from the base of their profiles. This is a great option if you’d like to streamline the profiles of your members and just feature badging. Learn more about how to make this change here.
API for contribution assignment
With the introduction of the new Contributions modules, Gradual now supports assigning contributions via API. The API allows you to assign individual contributions to users based on external actions or triggers. The API can assign either custom or native contributions. Consult our API Documentation to learn more.
Schedule content publish date and time
Schedule content to publish on a future date and time to follow your release schedule or calendar. Dashboard admins, collaborators, and club admins can all draft content pieces and then set a future publish date and time from the video, blog, etc. dashboard page. Timestamps can be exact to the minute, so content can be published in line with releases and big events. Learn more about this feature here.
Menu item visibility to visitors vs. logged-in members
Now you can choose which menu items in your community are visible to visitors, members who are logged in, or both. Some communities are opting to hide the People tab, Forum discussions, or other parts of your site from visitors and only allow those who are logged in to see and explore these parts of the community. Learn more here.
Bookmark Agenda sessions in Livestream & Hybrid events
Attendees to livestream and hybrid events can now build their agenda by bookmarking those sessions they don’t want to miss while they’re live in the event. This encourages you to provided robust session descriptions, add speakers, and promote the agenda to your attendees! Learn more about building robust agendas here.
Create a video in content library via API
Gradual’s API supports creating video content in your community. Video content is the only content type that can be created via API. This feature is used by customers who want to facilitate a submission process for video content from community members, but do not wish to leverage the Collaborators feature. Learn more about creating videos in your community content library in our API Documentation.
Small but mighty updates
Stage names now included in Session reports
The stage name of agenda sessions will now appear in session reports of livestream and hybrid events. This can help you decipher and manipulate the reports to understand attendance and engagement on your various live stages. Learn all about the event reports available to you here.
Badge names - increased to 25 characters
We’ve increased the character count allowance on badge names in your contributions module. This applies to preset, system badges and custom badges. Learn more about badge settings here.
Ads now appear on club pages
Any uploaded community ads now appear on the club pages, and if multiple ads are uploaded they will carousel for members to view. The ad will appear on the club homepage, and within the clubs on the overview and content pages. Learn about ads and banners here.
Clickable URLs throughout the platform
URLs included in the below places now automatically register as clickable links and open in a new tab:
- Video summary & transcript
- Event Description
- Forum posts and comments
Invitation-Only Experiences
Invitation-only events or experiences are popular this Spring as more of our communities are hosting exclusive meetups, or VIP experiences at their signature events. Learn more about how to make your event visible to all, but exclusive to register using invitations here.